Neck muscle spasm
Neck spasm or neck tension is the sudden and involuntary contraction of the neck muscles, or uncontrolled tightening and trembling of those muscles, and this may occur as a result of several reasons, including exposure to sprain, stress, exhaustion, or because of pain in the muscles The neck is associated with the occurrence of an injury or the emergence of a health problem, and in this context; It is reported that some of the muscles subject to spasm may be close to the spinal cord or nerve roots; This causes an increase in pressure on the sensory nerves in the area, and this may cause severe pain at times. Spasms of the neck muscles or sprain and tightening of the cervical vertebrae are among the most common problems of the musculoskeletal system, which are frequently presented to doctors.
Causes of neck muscle spasms
There are many common causes of neck muscle spasms, and some of these reasons are mentioned below:
Moving the neck muscles frequently or for a long time.
Carry heavy weights using one hand or in a carry bag over one shoulder.
Sitting in front of a computer screen for long periods of time.
The sudden turning of the neck during sleep.
Talking on a mobile phone by tilting the head without using the hand.
Neck muscle sprains during exercise.
Emotional tension.
The improper posture of the body.
Serious causes: The causes of neck muscle spasms may be more serious, and the following are mentioned for some of these reasons:
The area was bruised, injured, or bruised. Meningitis.
Spinal stenosis.
Arthropathy may affect the jaw.
Slipped disc.
Ankylosing spondylitis is a health problem in which the vertebrae of the spine are inflamed.
Neck muscle spasm symptoms
Neck muscle spasm may be accompanied by other symptoms, and these symptoms may vary depending on the cause and the health problem that the affected person suffers from, and this may be accompanied by the emergence of other symptoms at the level of other parts of the body, and symptoms may last for up to six weeks, and here are some Symptoms associated with spasm of the neck muscles:
Inability to move the neck and shoulders freely.
Increased feeling of pain when moving the neck and shoulder muscles.
The headache.
Feeling of dizziness or tingling and numbness in the back of the lower neck, in the event that the spasm of the neck muscles pulls the scalp.
Neck muscle spasm diagnosis
The health care provider learns the medical history of the person concerned, the symptoms he suffers from, in addition to the clinical examination, and if the neck spasm persists frequently after recovery, or the spasm persists for longer than expected; The diagnosis should include knowing the causes that lead to the occurrence of spasticity, and in some cases, some medical care providers from the supporting professions, such as physical and physical therapists, may diagnose some spastic injuries in the neck.
Neck muscle spasm treatment
There are many treatment options available for neck muscle spasms, and here is an explanation of the most prominent of these treatments:
- Home options: Some home practices may speed up the healing process and may prevent other cramps, and these practices include the following:
- stretching exercises; It may help relax muscles if you exercise regularly before and after exercise, and before bed.
- neck massage; Where relieves muscle spasms by pressing on the tightened parts of the neck and moving the fingers in circular motions, the person himself may be able to do this, and he can also use a friend or a specialist therapist.
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