The rumen is one of the problems that worry many. It is the accumulation of body fat in the abdominal area, which is scientifically known as central obesity or obesity associated with the male sex, as it is known as the apple. The accumulation of fat in this area is a risk factor for many chronic diseases, it raises The risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and some types of cancer. However, this type of obesity is more prevalent in men, it is also present in women, especially after menopause.
After diagnosing obesity using BMI, average obesity is diagnosed by using waist circumference measurement, where this measurement should not exceed 88 cm in women and 102 cm in men.
Ways to get rid of the rumen quickly
The best way to lose excess weight and the rumen is by combining diet and sports and gradually changing the lifestyle to a healthy one. Gradual methods are more successful than those quick methods or those that promise to lose the entire rumen in a short period of time. Diet is the basis for weight loss, as reducing calorie intake causes an energy imbalance in the body, so the body burns fat to compensate for the lack of energy intake. When losing weight and body fat, abdominal fat is lost. However, recent studies have found a close relationship between exercise, especially aerobic exercises, and the loss of abdominal fat in particular, which is Including the internal fat that surrounds the essential organs, as it was found that regular aerobic exercise for at least 10 hours a week and for several weeks reduces abdominal fat, and thus the risk of developing and dying from abdominal fat-related diseases.
Exercises to get rid of the rumen
Scientific research has found a direct relationship between practicing moderate to intense aerobic exercise regularly for at least 8 weeks and getting rid of rumen fat. But, of course, a suitable diet should be followed with exercise so as not to eat more calories than necessary. Examples of aerobic exercises that can be practiced to get rid of the rumen are:
- brisk walking or jogging
- stationary bike
- jump rope
- jogging
- Any other type of aerobic exercise or aerobic class
It is also possible to add resistance exercises to improve burning fat in the body, that is, exercises that depend on weights or body weight, and resistance exercises can be practiced for the abdominal muscles until this area is tightened.
Diet to get rid of the rumen
There is no specific diet to lose rumen fat without other body fats, and in order to lose the rumen with diet, a low-calorie diet must be followed to lose excess weight, and a reliable dietitian must be consulted so as not to follow the wrong diet from the diets that are frequently promoted and spread among people without knowing it. It has a valid scientific and health basis As an example of a diet to lose weight, the following diet gives 1500 calories, but this diet or others should not be followed without consulting a doctor or dietitian to assess the health and nutritional status and make sure that there is nothing to prevent it.- diet
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