Tips you don't know about it?
That fish oil pills can be useful in getting rid of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, which include a lot of pain and fatigue, and joint stiffness in the morning in addition to swelling.
Rheumatoid arthritis affects people of all ages, even children, who are diagnosed with this disease by a special analysis of the blood.
It has been found that these pills contain anti-inflammatory and getting rid of the inflammation can get rid of the pain associated with arthritis.
Likelihood of its effectiveness
Reducing the risk of recurrent stenosis of blood vessels: after undergoing angioplasty surgery; It is the process of opening closed blood vessels, one research indicated that fish oil reduced the risk of recurrence of vascular blockage by up to 45% when taken at least 3 weeks before undergoing angioplasty while continuing to consume it for a month after, but it is worth noting that there was no effect when taking fish oil two weeks or less before the procedure.
Reducing the risk of coronary artery bypass re-closure: It was found that taking fish oil reduces the risk of coronary artery re-closure after surgery to open its bypass.
Improvement of symptoms associated with dysmenorrhea in women:
A study published in the Journal of Gynecological Endocrinology in 2018 found that taking an omega-3 supplement with vitamin E significantly reduced the severity of dysmenorrhoea pain, and another study published in Nutrition Research in 2000 indicated that taking fish oil supplements with vitamin B12 can reduce One of the symptoms associated with dysmenorrhea when taken for 3 consecutive menstrual cycles.
Reducing the risk of endometrial cancer: A laboratory study published in the journal Original Contribution in 2013 found that supplementing with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs: PUFA), which contains EPA and DHA, can reduce the risk of endometrial cancer.
Improvement in people with heart failure or heart failure: A meta-analysis of 7 studies on 825 people published in the journal Heart in 2012 indicated that people with chronic heart failure can take fish oil supplements to improve their heart function. This effect is more noticeable in people with non-ischaemic heart failure, but more studies are needed to confirm this effect.
Lowering blood pressure: results are conflicting in this area. Where fish oil can slightly reduce the level of blood pressure in people with moderate or severe high levels, and some types of fish oil can reduce blood pressure in people with a slight increase in it, but these results still need more research.
On the other hand, it should be noted that fish oil for high blood pressure patients can significantly reduce their blood pressure, especially if they consume blood pressure-lowering medications mentioned in the drug interactions section of this article.
Reducing the symptoms of borderline personality disorder: A review of a group of studies published in the journal Current Opinion in Psychiatry in 2012 indicated that using omega-3 supplements and anticonvulsants with atypical antipsychotics can ( Atypical antipsychotics) relieve symptoms of this disorder. BPD.
Reducing the symptoms associated with Raynaud's phenomenon: (Raynaud's disease), an avascular disorder that usually affects the fingers and toes, is rare, and it causes blood vessels to narrow when feeling cold or stressed, which leads to the inability of blood to reach the surface of the skin, As a result, these areas turn white and blue, an observational study published in The American Journal of Medicine indicated.
That taking fish oil supplements can improve tolerance to exposure to cold, and delay the onset of vasospasm in people with primary Raynaud's disease not associated with other diseases, while it was not observed in the secondary type, and this effect is due to an increase in the level of Systolic blood pressure when exposed to cold temperatures.
Reducing symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis: A study published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases indicated that taking fish oil supplements reduced rheumatoid arthritis symptoms; Such as swelling of the joints, and the duration of their stiffness during the early morning periods.
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