December 13, 2013

Beware of the salt

Did you know?

That excess salt = Osteoporosis:

All thought that excessive salt intake is abusive to blood pressure, but salt is not the cause of high pressure, but with 30 percent of those infected with the disease. 

However, salt damage happens to us in our bones, when the body gets rid of excess salt, throwing him to the bone calcium is abusive. Precipitate excessive salt intake for osteoporosis.

So we have to reduce our consumption of salt by 2,400 milligrams per day, noting that in one piece of American cheese 300 milligrams of salt, two pieces of white bread 269 milligrams of salt, and half a cup of canned tomato sauce 740 milligrams.

The recommended amount of salt per day

The recommended daily amount of salt for healthy people is about 1 teaspoon (2,300 milligrams), and for children under 14 years, the amount should be less.

Disadvantages of excessive salt consumption

Excessive salt intake may lead to many damages, some of which occur directly, and others in the long term, and these damages include the following:

Extreme thirst

Eating a very salty dish may provoke a feeling of extreme thirst, and if the body is not supplied with sufficient amounts of fluid after eating salty food, sodium levels in the body may rise above their normal levels; This may result in a serious condition known as hypernatremia.

Water retention: The kidneys retain excess water in the body to balance the amount of fluid and the amount of sodium after eating a large amount of salt. Signs of water retention appear in the form of swelling in the body, especially in the area of ​​​​the hands and feet.


Excessive salt intake may be accompanied by high blood pressure and limiting salt consumption may help reduce blood pressure levels, as it was noted that reducing salt consumption by 1 g in people with high blood pressure helps reduce systolic blood pressure by 0.94 mm Hg and that According to a scientific review published in the journal (Global Heart) in 2015.

Stomach cancer risk

A relationship was found between the amount of salt consumed regularly and the higher chance of developing cancer in the digestive system, especially among individuals who suffer from a stomach infection, according to a study published in the journal (Cancers) in 2019.


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