Foods get rid of insomnia and help to sleep
A lot of us suffer from the problem of insomnia or lack of sleep problem in the proper sense, but scientists are accustomed to giving us the simplest solutions to every problem
Rural cheese
Start your way towards a peaceful sleep by eating a piece of rural cheese This type of cheese is an essential source of protein because it contains protein slow digestion, which will ensure that your body is ideal for the distribution of amino acids for long hours, which will rebuild the tissues of your body while you sleep. In addition to the amino acid tryptophan, which helps the body to secrete products that work as Serotonin sedatives for the nerves. Try to mix the rural cheese with a spoon of almond butter to get better results

While some people know that oatmeal is one of the finest breakfast foods Many have not aware that a greater value at dinner, according to the scientific fact that says (carbohydrates) contain elements of the secretion of serotonin, which is working on the organization of neurons in will make you relax and mental and physical balance. Oatmeal with half an apple with a little skim milk with cinnamon will make you up to maximum comfort while you sleep.
Peanuts or peanut butter

Contain an element of niacin, which is one of the sources of secretion of Serotonin very effective for organizing the work of the nerves. But peanuts or peanut butter must deal with them in moderation as they contain a high percentage of calories is so taken up by one of the most important additions to any diet. The best way to eat peanuts in the form of whole grains with some toast
Warm milk

Most children drink warm milk before going to sleep already is a good thing and we recommend adults, as well as warm milk, will make you sleep faster because it contains the amino acid tryptophan, and because warm liquids provide a soothing atmosphere for the nerves. In addition, milk provides a good dose of calcium, which works inside the brain to secrete melatonin.
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