March 27, 2022

Home abortion methods

Home abortion methods


1. The Abortion
2. Abortion in Islam
3. Pre-abortion procedures
4. Home abortion methods
5. Miscarriage complications

6. Caring for a woman after amiscarriage

The Abortion

Abortion is the loss of a fetus and the early termination of pregnancy.

 Abortion may occur spontaneously, and it may be an induced abortion; That is, it is carried out at the request of the pregnant woman, and among the medical methods used for abortion are:

Abortion using a medication, or surgery. In both cases, the abortion must be carried out under medical care, and during the first three months of pregnancy; To ensure that there are no serious complications for the pregnant woman.

The success rate of abortion with medication is approximately 97%; Where drugs prevent the secretion of the hormone progesterone necessary for the continuation of pregnancy; This reduces the thickness of the uterine lining, and increases the contractions leading to the miscarriage of the fetus. As for surgical abortion, the uterine lining is withdrawn by suction, by inserting a tube into the cervix; To scrape the fetal tissue, and the success rate of this type is almost 100%.

Abortion in Islam

Islam prohibited assault on the life of the fetus in the mother’s womb, but Islamic law permitted the abortion of the fetus in some medical cases, with a trustworthy doctor confirming the necessity of abortion, and among these cases are the following: It is permissible to abort it with the consent of the spouses, but if the fetus in its mother’s womb reaches four months or more, it is not permissible to abort it, regardless of its deformity, if the doctors decide that it is possible to continue its life unless there is a real danger to the mother’s life.

Scholars of fiqh councils issued a fatwa on the permissibility of aborting the fetus if a trustworthy doctor decided that the survival of the fetus would endanger the mother’s life in mortal danger, because the mother’s life is certain, and the life of the fetus is not.

Abortion is one of the difficult decisions that a pregnant woman may make, but the only motives approved by Islam from the presence of defects and genetic abnormalities that threaten the life of the fetus, serious medical problems, or the possibility of the mother being exposed to health and mental risks if the pregnancy continues, are the only ones that may prompt the doctor, or Pregnant woman herself to get rid of the pregnancy.

Pre-abortion procedures

Among the procedures that the doctor must take before starting the abortion process, are the following:

Ultrasound imaging of the pregnant woman; To confirm the presence of pregnancy and determine its age.

Conducting tests for sexually transmitted diseases, such as: gonorrhea, HIV, and others.

blood test: To identify the blood type and the main factor, and to ensure that the pregnant woman does not suffer from anemia. If her blood is negative for the main factor, she must be given the main factor vaccine; To prevent complications in future pregnancies.

Discuss the risks of abortion, the appropriate alternative options for the pregnant woman, and future contraceptive methods.

Home abortion methods

Many herbs and foods have been famous throughout history for their ability to cause a pregnant woman to miscarry, and the success rates for their use may be low, but their use is often ineffective, as well as harmful to the pregnant woman.

In previous years, many women were exposed to severe bleeding, and somebody systems stopped working during attempts at-home abortion, and deaths were recorded in many women who lost their lives while trying to get rid of unwanted pregnancy, and the fetus may also be exposed to many risks in If the mother fails to terminate the pregnancy.

A pregnant woman who finds herself forced to get rid of pregnancy should not try folk methods and recipes circulated among women, but rather consult a doctor, and obtain care and advice before undertaking a dangerous practice from which she may never recover, and one of the most common home abortion methods among women, Which causes dangerous complications to her health or the health of the fetus if the attempt to abort it fails: taking large amounts of vitamin C, the use of which may be very dangerous to the health of the pregnant woman, and taking some laxatives, herbs, or abortion drugs.

Miscarriage complications

Getting rid of pregnancy is a dangerous practice that may cause a woman a lot of pain, and may endanger her life, and it must be emphasized that it is not permissible for the mother to assault the life of the fetus unless there is a danger that threatens her life by continuing the pregnancy, and it is not permissible in any way for the woman to resort To abort the fetus without consulting a doctor, and to obtain the necessary medical care; In order to avoid the serious complications of abortion, which may be difficult to remedy if the woman resorts to home abortion, which does not enable her to seek help in time, and the complications that may result from abortion, are the following:

·       Vaginal bleeding.

·       Severe pelvic inflammatory disease, caused by infection.

·       Perforation of the uterus, and its symptoms include: 

    heavy bleeding, fever, and abdominal pain.

·       Septic shock and its symptoms include: 

    fever, chills, abdominal pain, and low blood pressure. Breast sores.

·       Fatigue, and abdominal pain.

·       Nausea, vomiting.

·       Vaginal discharge with a foul odor.

Caring for a woman after a miscarriage

A woman who has had a miscarriage should follow the following tips to reduce the side effects of abortion:

drink adequate amounts of water; To avoid dehydration caused by diarrhea or vomiting.

seeking help and psychological support from those close to the woman; To reduce the effects of hormonal changes and the emotional disturbances that arise from them.

Get as much rest as possible, especially during the first days after a miscarriage.

use of hot compresses; To relieve cramps.

take the medications prescribed by the doctor; To relieve cramps and pain, such as ibuprofen.

Abdominal massage to relieve cramps and feel comfortable.

Wearing a bra that supports the breasts well.


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