May 21, 2022

Getting rid of the rumen



The rumen is one of the problems that worry many. It is the accumulation of body fat in the abdominal area, which is scientifically known as central obesity or obesity associated with the male sex, as it is known as the apple. The accumulation of fat in this area is a risk factor for many chronic diseases, it raises The risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and some types of cancer. However, this type of obesity is more prevalent in men, it is also present in women, especially after menopause. After diagnosing obesity using BMI, average obesity is diagnosed by using waist circumference measurement, where this measurement should not exceed 88 cm in women and 102 cm in men. Ways to get rid of the rumen quickly The best way to lose excess weight and the rumen is by combining diet and sports and gradually changing the lifestyle to a healthy one. Gradual methods are more successful than those quick methods or those that promise to lose the entire rumen in a short period of time. Diet is the basis for weight loss, as reducing calorie intake causes an energy imbalance in the body, so the body burns fat to compensate for the lack of energy intake. When losing weight and body fat, abdominal fat is lost. However, recent studies have found a close relationship between exercise, especially aerobic exercises, and the loss of abdominal fat in particular, which is Including the internal fat that surrounds the essential organs, as it was found that regular aerobic exercise for at least 10 hours a week and for several weeks reduces abdominal fat, and thus the risk of developing and dying from abdominal fat-related diseases. Exercises to get rid of the rumen Scientific research has found a direct relationship between practicing moderate to intense aerobic exercise regularly for at least 8 weeks and getting rid of rumen fat. But, of course, a suitable diet should be followed with exercise so as not to eat more calories than necessary. Examples of aerobic exercises that can be practiced to get rid of the rumen are:

  • brisk walking or jogging
  • stationary bike
  • jump rope
  • jogging
  • Any other type of aerobic exercise or aerobic class

It is also possible to add resistance exercises to improve burning fat in the body, that is, exercises that depend on weights or body weight, and resistance exercises can be practiced for the abdominal muscles until this area is tightened.

Diet to get rid of the rumen

There is no specific diet to lose rumen fat without other body fats, and in order to lose the rumen with diet, a low-calorie diet must be followed to lose excess weight, and a reliable dietitian must be consulted so as not to follow the wrong diet from the diets that are frequently promoted and spread among people without knowing it. It has a valid scientific and health basis As an example of a diet to lose weight, the following diet gives 1500 calories, but this diet or others should not be followed without consulting a doctor or dietitian to assess the health and nutritional status and make sure that there is nothing to prevent it.
  • diet

Surgical operations to get rid of the rumen

Many people think about getting rid of the rumen and losing weight through surgical operations, and although this solution is valid in some cases of obesity when the benefit from it outweighs the harm that can occur from its complications, it should not be considered without strong health justifications, and types of The surgeries that are used are liposuction, and it should be advised here that this process is cosmetic and not therapeutic, as it may rid the person of the rumen for a short period without treating the causes that led to the accumulation of fat and the formation of the rumen, and after this process, the person must follow a real treatment for the reasons Obesity with diet and sports to maintain its results, and although this type of operation is generally considered safe, it can result in serious complications that may cause death.


In the other type of surgeries used to treat obesity and get rid of the rumen, the size of the stomach is reduced, which reduces the secretion of the hormone ghrelin responsible for hunger, and these operations lead to high weight loss, but the success of these operations in weight loss and safety depends on the extent of the patient’s commitment According to the doctor’s instructions after the operation, it can also result in many complications, such as: infections, nausea, vomiting, and dehydration, and in the long run, it can lead to a deficiency of some vitamins and minerals.

May 20, 2022

5 ways to build muscle fast


Build muscle fast

Muscle Building

Building the muscles of the body means amplifying all the main apparent muscles in the human body, where the body with a huge muscular structure is considered a measure of body beauty, and evidence of its strength, and therefore young people rush to exercise in order to build their muscles. Building muscles is by exercising them with specialized exercises that work to inflate the muscles of the body, and these exercises are repetitions of a specific movement that stresses the muscles and works to tighten them.

Types of bodybuilding exercises


Bodybuilding is the main sport to amplify the muscles of the body, as it mainly depends on muscle exercises and protein-rich food. Bodybuilding exercises depend on lifting heavy weights (such as iron and hand weights) repeatedly in order to strain the muscle, so the muscle begins to collapse due to the great effort exposed to it, and the benefit of food that contains a high protein percentage is to rebuild the destroyed muscle fibers again more and stronger than what It was. Bodybuilding competitions are held in which the competition is a comparison between the bodies of the competitors in terms of muscle size and detail.

Fitness sport

Fitness modeling is a sport similar to bodybuilding, in which muscles are amplified, but in a lesser way than bodybuilding. Practitioners of this sports focus on detailing and shaping the muscle instead of amplifying it. The exercises of this sport differ from bodybuilding exercises in that they Do not rely mainly on carrying heavyweights but rather exercises that benefit the body's fitness.

Strength sport

Powerlifting is a sport that depends mainly on carrying heavyweights, and the focus is not on the shape and detail of the muscle, but only on its ability to carry heavy weights (which is directly proportional to the size of the muscle). The competition in the amount of weight is carried by one repetition of the three exercises: squats, deadlifts, and bench presses, and this sport depends on all exercises that help in increasing the lifted weight.

Muscle amplification mechanism

The muscles of the body are divided into 5 categories when you want to inflate them, which are: the muscles of the arms (which are divided into the biceps muscle, the triceps muscle, and the forearm muscle), the shoulder muscles, the back muscles, and the leg muscles. The exercises used for each muscle category differ, so exercises for the back muscles, for example, differ from exercises for the leg muscles, and so on.

Exercising greatly stresses the muscle, thus destroying the muscle fibers of that muscle, and protein (either through food or industrial protein products) is used to rebuild these fibers, as the body exploits the amino acids found in protein to rebuild the muscles (of which fibers are also formed). amino acids), the muscles are rebuilt so that they are bigger and stronger than before; In order to adapt the muscle to the repeated effort obtained.

5 best ways to build muscle fast

In order to speed up the process of muscle amplification in bodybuilding, there are some recommendations and advice that practitioners of this sport do not pay attention to, and that if focused on it will improve the results of the exercise.

Focusing on the muscle during exercise

One of the most important factors that affect the quality of the exercise and its results is the focus on the muscle that is being exercised alone, as the person must feel muscle tension during the exercise. One of the common mistakes among bodybuilders is to lift weight regardless of the muscles used during the exercise, for example, in leg muscle exercises the person depends on the muscle of his lower back more than the leg muscles, and this is not what is required, but he must focus on the muscles of the leg. The leg is to be stretched during exercise, in order to ensure the results for the leg muscles and to avoid serious injuries such as a herniated disc in the muscles of the lower back.

Weight gain or repetitions during exercise when possible

The stability of the exercises on the portable weights and the number of repetitions will lead to the stabilization of the size of the muscles after a while; As the muscle will get used to the effort. There are three solutions to this problem:

  • Increase the number of weights lifted during the exercise while stabilizing the number of repetitions.

  • Increasing the number of repetitions while fixing the number of weights lifted.

  • Increase the number of weights lifted and the number of repetitions as well; This is the best solution to this problem.

It is worth warning not to resort to these solutions unless it is confirmed that the ability to do so is avoided in order to avoid severe injuries, such as cartilage slips, muscle ruptures, and joint dislocation.

Increasing the amount of protein intake

Daily Protein is the main nutrient for building muscle, as it contains the amino acids necessary for the muscle, and any deficiency in it from the daily need of the bodybuilder (depending on the weight of the person) will lead to the destruction of the fibers without rebuilding them, and therefore the muscles will not inflate even with exercise. The amount of protein is increased through foods rich in it, such as eggs, all kinds of meat, and cheese (preferably low-fat), or through industrial protein products, such as whey protein.

Increasing sleep hours

The sleep period is the best period in which the body rebuilds the muscles, in addition to that sleep relaxes the body and provides it with energy for the next day, so the lack of required hours of sleep per day leads to a slow in the amplification of muscles, and there will not be enough energy to perform the exercises As required.

Avoid harmful habits

There are many reasons that harm the body in general, and slow down the process of muscle amplification, including:

  • Smoking and drinking shisha: Smoking of all kinds greatly weakens blood circulation and the lungs.

  • Drinking soft drinks: leads to osteoporosis and weight gain, and they contain large amounts of caffeine, which is considered harmful in the event of a lot of it.

  • Eat fried foods and fast food: they contain large amounts of harmful fats and cholesterol, and therefore will lead to weight gain.

  • Taking things that are forbidden: their harms are many many, and they can lead to death.

  • Taking steroids: Although they quickly inflate the muscles, there are many harms and side effects, such as infertility, and hormonal imbalances, and leaving them will lead to muscle atrophy and sagging.

May 08, 2022

How to treat anemia with herbs

Geeks Image


Anemia occurs when there are not enough red blood cells inside the body. Anemia has many types, but the most common is anemia caused by iron deficiency in the body; Where red blood cells contain a protein full of iron called hemoglobin; Hemoglobin transports oxygen-rich blood to the cells of the body. The lack of iron in the body will lead to the inability to form the hemoglobin that the body needs, and thus anemia, and the lack of folic acid and vitamin B12 may affect the body’s ability to form red blood cells.

Natural treatments for anemia

Herbs used to treat anemia

It is important to know that the use of herbs may cause side effects or stimulate the occurrence of these effects, and may interfere with the work of some types of them, so; It is important to pay attention not to use them except under medical supervision, and it is worth knowing that the use of herbs to treat diseases or to strengthen the body takes a long time to show results, and among the herbs that can be used to treat and control anemia are the following:

  • Spirulina; Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that is used to treat some types of anemia; However, the patient should pay attention when taking it and consult the attending physician if he is taking immunosuppressive drugs.
  • Alfalfa; Medicago sativa is a traditional remedy used to strengthen and purify the blood. It may increase the strength of the blood and restore hemoglobin to its normal level in cases of simple anemia; However, it may interfere with some medications and treatments such as blood-thinning medications; Warfarin, lithium, and digoxin, and it is used by placing its roots in water over low heat for twenty minutes or placing its leaves for five minutes, and it can also be combined with some other types of herbs used to treat anemia, such as: dandelion, burdock, or yellow sour plant.
  • Dandelion: The dandelion herb (Taraxacum officinale) is used for some cases of anemia, and it is used in the same way and with the same precautions that are followed when using the alfalfa herb.
  • Burdock; The roots or leaves of the burdock herb (in English: Arctium lappa) can be used in the same way as precautions like the use of alfalfa to treat anemia.
  • Yellow acid: The yellow acid herb (Rumex Crispus) is also used to treat cases of anemia, according to the directions for the use of alfalfa.
  • Yellow Kushad: Yellow Kushad (Gentiana lutea) is used to treat cases of anemia; This is done by facilitating and stimulating the absorption of iron and other nutrients from the digestive system (in English: Digestive System); But you should pay attention not to use this herb in cases where medications are taken to lower blood pressure; This is because the yellow Koshad herb may cause a severe drop in pressure, and it is worth noting that Chinese herbalists do not use this herb in cases of chronic pain or frequent urination.
  • Nettles; Stinging nettle contains many substances that contribute to the treatment of anemia, such as iron, and vitamin C, which helps the body absorb iron, and chlorophyll, which helps treat cases of iron deficiency anemia.

Plants and foods used to treat anemia

Although there is no specific type of food to treat anemia; However, a healthy diet filled with some types of foods helps to control and control anemia, and the exact treatment depends on the type of anemia and its causes; However, some foods include several types of nutrients that are able to support and increase the number of red blood cells in all cases, and these types include the following:

  • Beetroot
    Beetroot; Beetroot is considered one of the best natural remedies
    for anemia. It increases the blood in the body and cleanses the body by providing it with oxygen.

Leafy vegetables
  • Leafy vegetables; Where leafy vegetables, especially dark ones, are an important source of nonheme iron, and some types of them contain folic acid, and examples of leafy vegetables are:
    • Spinach, kale, Swiss chard, and others, but it is important to know that although some types of leafy vegetables such as spinach and cabbage contain iron; However, it contains oxalate. Which may cause iron absorption, so; It is not possible to rely on eating leafy vegetables alone to treat anemia, but must be introduced as part of the diet.

  • Cereals
    Cereals, examples of grains that contain iron include Kidney Beans,
    Chickpeas, Soybeans, Pinto Beans, and Black Beans. , lima beans, and others.

  • Nuts and seeds: Many nuts and seeds contain iron, but it is best to eat them
    Nuts and seeds

    raw, including: Pumpkin Seeds, Cashews, Pistachios, and Hemp seeds, Pine Nuts, Sunflower Seeds, Almonds; However, it contains large amounts of calcium, so; Eating it may not increase iron levels in the body significantly.

  • molasses
    Blackstrap molasses, where blackstrap molasses is a by-product of the sugar refining process, although it does not contain
    large amounts of important nutrients that help replenish the natural nutrients in the body; Which increases the production of red blood cells, examples of which are: iron, manganese, and others.

Symptoms of anemia

Symptoms of anemia may seem minor and go unnoticed at first. However, the symptoms worsen with the increase in the severity of the anemia, and the symptoms vary according to the cause that led to the anemia, but in general, they include the following:

  • Fatigue and general weakness.
  • Yellowing and pallor of the skin.
  • Irregular heartbeats.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Dizziness
  • Chest Pain
  • Cold Hands and Feet.
  • Headache


May 05, 2022

Getting rid of the Dark knuckles

Getting rid of the Dark knuckles

Dark knuckles

Many suffer from the problem of blackening of the joints of the fingers or toes, especially girls who always seek to appear in their best suit, as the accumulation of dead skin cells in these areas causes their darkening, and the excessive production of melanin pigment in the skin leads to hyperpigmentation of the skin, in addition to other reasons we mention Later, to get rid of this problem, there were several natural and medical methods that we will discuss in this article.

Causes of Dark knuckles 

These are the main causes of Dark knuckles:

  • Frequent rubbing of the Dark knuckles leads to an increase in their thickness and blackness and makes it worse.
  • Dry skin is caused by many wrong habits such as:

    • Excessive washing of the skin.
    • Excessive exposure to hot water.
    • Exposure to harsh chemicals such as household cleaners.
    • Excessive exposure to harmful sunlight.
  • Infection with some skin diseases whose symptoms include Dark knuckles, such as eczema or psoriasis.
  • Excess weight or obesity negatively affects the skin.

Medical methods to get rid of dark knuckles

It is very important to consult a dermatologist to find out the cause of the dark knuckles so that he can diagnose the condition, develop an appropriate treatment plan for it, and may resort to the following methods to get rid of the dark knuckles:

  • Take topical treatments that contain ingredients such as niacinamide or soy to lighten dark areas of the body.
  • Mixed chemical peeling, where this method is used for people with dark skin, as it contains very high concentrations of active ingredients, which reach the depths of the skin and get rid of dark pigmentation, these ingredients include:
  • Salicylic acid, lactic acid, resorcinol, kojic acid, mandelic acid and tretinoin.
  • Resorting to a low-level laser for very exacerbated cases.

Natural recipes to get rid of dark knuckles

Glycerin and natural oils 
Glycerin and natural oils

  • This mixture is prepared from the following ingredients:
  • The components
  • Two tablespoons of glycerine.
  • Two tablespoons of wheat germ oil.
  • Two tablespoons of sweet almond oil.
  • A spoonful of castor oil.
  • Lemon juice.

How to prepare and use

  • Mix the ingredients together well.
  • Then the mixture is placed on the joints to be lightened.
  • Then cover with bags or gloves, and leave for an hour.
  • Wash the area with a soft loofah, then dry and moisturize with moisturizing cream.

Yogurt and lemon juice 
Yogurt and lemon juice

Yogurt is perhaps the best home formula to ease up the skin and dispose of darkness.
Use it to get rid of the darkening of the joints of the fingers in the following way:

The components

  • Amount of yoghurt.
  • Several drops of lemon juice.

How to prepare and use

  • Mix the ingredients together well.
  • The mixture is placed on the joints to be lightened.
  • Leave for 10-15 minutes.
  • Wash the region with warm water and dry it well.

Lemon, sugar, and honey scrub

The exfoliation step is essential to get rid of the dark knuckles. It helps to lighten the dark areas and make them smoother. Lemon, sugar, and honey scrub can be used to get rid of the dark knuckles; This is because lemon juice contains vitamin C, and sugar contains glycolic acid, and this is done according to the following method:

The components

  • A teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • a teaspoon of sugar.
  • Two teaspoons of honey.

How to prepare and use

  • Mix the ingredients together well.
  • Apply the blend to the joints and rub it well.
  • Leave it on for 15 minutes until the skin ingests it.
  • Then wash the area with water and dry it well.

Egg whites, flour, and honey
Egg whites, flour, and honey

This is done according to the following method:

The components

  • One egg white.
  • A tablespoon of honey.
  • Two tablespoons of flour.

How to prepare and use

  • Mix the ingredients together well.
  • Apply the blend to the joints and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Wash hands with warm water and dry well.
  • Repeat this two or three times a week to get light-colored joints and get rid of the accumulated dead skin.

A mixture of turmeric, milk cream and almond oil
A mixture of turmeric, milk cream and almond oil

This mixture effectively removes the blackness from the joints of the fingers.

The components

  • A teaspoon of milk cream.
  • Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder.
  • Two or three drops of almond oil.

How to prepare and use

  • Mix the ingredients together well.
  • Apply the mixture to the joints.
  • Leave for 20 minutes.
  • Then wash the area with plain water and dry it well.
  • It is recommended to repeat this three times a week for best results.

Vinegar and water

Vinegar helps to get rid of dark pigmentation in the skin, including dark knuckles according to the following method:

The components

  • A tablespoon of vinegar 
  • A tablespoon of water.

How to prepare and use

  • Mix the ingredients together well.
  • Apply the mixture to the joints and rub it well with a cotton ball.
  • Leave the mixture until it dries completely.
  • Wash the area with cold water and dry it well.

Lemon juice and natural oils

This mixture of oils helps to get rid of dark knuckles and make them smoother and softer, in addition to solving pigmentation problems that may occur on damaged and dry nails and follicles.

The components

  • Half a teaspoon of jojoba oil.
  • Half a teaspoon of almond oil.
  • Half a teaspoon of rosemary oil.
  • Two or three drops of lemon juice.

How to prepare and use

  • Mix the ingredients together well
  • Apply the mixture to the joints with a light massage, before going to sleep.

Shea Butter
Shea Butter

Shea butter has proven its effectiveness by getting rid of dark and black areas, including dark knuckles, and this is done by placing a small amount of it on the joints of the fingers to be lightened, and it is recommended to use it daily for a week to get rid of the tan.

Baking soda and rose water 
Baking soda and rose water

This mixture is done according to the following method:

The components

  • Equal amounts of rose water and baking soda.
  • Lemon bean.
  • amount of glycerol.

How to prepare and use

  • Mix the ingredients together well.
  • Apply the mixture to the joints and leave for 5 minutes.
  • Then a lemon is immersed in glycerin and the joints are massaged with it for 7 minutes.
  • Then wash the area with water and dry it well.

Tips and Advice

Here are some tips and guidelines that are recommended to be taken into consideration to get rid of dark knuckles:

  • Constant care of the hands, and not leaving the skin to dry by avoiding washing hands with hot water, not rubbing vigorously with a towel, and using moisturising creams frequently.
  • Be careful when handling rough objects, such as sandpaper, carpet backs, etc.
  • Make sure to put sunscreen on the joints so that the problem does not return as it was.
  • Losing extra weight may help solve this problem.
  • The use of daily peeling creams, and it is preferable to use those that contain alpha hydroxy acids in small quantities, and put them on the skin at night, as they help moisturise and exfoliate the skin, which reduces blackness.
  • The use of whitening creams, and it is preferable to use creams that contain hydroquinone at a concentration of 2%, as the use of this type of cream with peeling creams speeds up the process of getting rid of blackening of the joints.
  • Drink a lot of water, which keeps the skin hydrated, preventing its dehydration.

May 04, 2022

Sexual apathy tips

Sexual apathy

Sexual apathy

Sexual apathy can be defined as a loss of sexual arousal and interest in sexual relations.
The causes of lack of sexual desire may be either physical, such as: health problems such as diabetes and high pressure, or psychological such as: anxiety or depression, or due to taking certain types of medications such as: Some antidepressants, and it should be noted that sexual apathy can also be linked to low testosterone levels.

Sexual apathy tips

There are several tips that help men and women to overcome sexual apathy and enhance sexual desire before turning to drug methods, and the following is a list of some tips that can be given to men and women:

  • Maintaining physical activity: Exercising and physical activities improve the health of the heart and blood vessels, and this will help the body to achieve better performance during the sexual process. It also increases the stamina of the body, improves its image, and modifies the mood, which leads to the enhancement of sexual desire in both men and women.
  • Reducing stress: Stress increases the heart rate and this will increase blood pressure, both of which negatively affect sexual desire, and therefore it is necessary to stay away from stress and try to relax as possible to enhance sexual desire.
  • Stay away from bad habits: such as; Smoking, and drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Exposure to sunlight: The hormone melatonin stimulates the desire to sleep and reduces sexual desire, and the role of the sun here is that exposure to its rays inhibits the production of the hormone melatonin in the body, and therefore exposure to sunlight, especially in the winter, will enhance sexual desire.
  • Consult a doctor: There are health problems such as Peyronie’s disease, erectile dysfunction, and other sexual problems that need to be diagnosed and treated by a specialist doctor.

Foods that boost sexual desire

A healthy sexual relationship is closely linked to physical and emotional health at the same time, and having a healthy diet plays an important role in improving sexual performance. The following is a statement of some foods that can help improve the sexual relationship:

  • Meat and chicken: Both meat and chicken contain amino acids such as: L-carnitine and L-arginine, which improve blood flow in the body, which is extremely important during the sexual process.
  • Oysters: Oysters contain compounds that increase the level of estrogen and testosterone, which enhance sexual desire, and also contain zinc, which increases blood supply to the genitals of both males and females.
  • Omega-3-rich foods: such as salmon, tuna, and halibut, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, help improve blood circulation in the body.
  • Nuts and seeds: such as; Almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, hazelnuts, and peanuts, which also increase blood flow.
  • Fruits: Fruits like; Apples, cherries, raspberries, and dark grapes are rich in quercetin; Which is an antioxidant that reduces prostatitis and improves blood circulation.
  • Garlic: Garlic has anti-coagulant properties, thus it helps to increase the blood supply to the lower organs of the body.

Medical treatment for sexual apathy

You should review the specialist doctor and follow up with him, as there are several medical treatment methods for sexual apathy, and the following is a list of some of them for both men and women.

Treatment of sexual apathy in men 

The doctor determines the health problem that causes sexual apathy, to treats it in proportion to the situation, and there are several causes of sexual apathy, including: erectile dysfunction, ejaculation problems, a disorder in the level of testosterone or prolactin, or thyroid hormones, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Here are some examples of problems that cause sexual arousal and how to treat them:

  • Treatment of erectile dysfunction: Using drugs that inhibit the enzyme phosphodiesterase-5, which helps to widen blood vessels, which leads to an increase in the number and continuity of erections.
  • Treatment of premature ejaculation: Lidocaine spray or cream is often used to solve the problem of premature ejaculation, and there are other drugs that can be used in some cases, but they are not registered with the Food and Drug Administration to treat premature ejaculation, such as: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and it should be noted the need to see a doctor in case of suffering from the problem of premature ejaculation; Premature ejaculation can be an indication of another medical or psychological problem that must be taken into account when facing the problem of premature ejaculation.
  • Treating delayed ejaculation: Most of the time, delayed ejaculation is treated by reducing anxiety and tension, and trying to learn to control the appropriate timing of ejaculation.
  • Retrograde ejaculation treatment: This condition is treated with medical or surgical intervention, where the problem is usually that the valve at the base of the bladder does not close, and it can be treated surgically, or if the goal is pregnancy only, sperm can be taken from the bladder and used in artificial insemination.

Treatment of sexual apathy in women, and this can be done through:

Sexual education and diagnosis: A doctor or specialist should be consulted to diagnose sexual apathy in women, educate the couple about sexual relations, and how to enhance sexual desire.

  • Drug interaction: In the case of taking some antidepressants that can cause sexual apathy as a side effect, such as: fluoxetine and paroxetine, the doctor should be consulted to replace them with other types of antidepressants that do not cause sexual apathy, as there are other types that do not affect sexual desire, and others affect in a positive way The problem of apathy is improved, such as: bupropion.
  • Flibanserin: Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe flibanserin; It is the first drug registered with the Food and Drug Administration to treat sexual abortion in premenopausal women.
  • Hormonal therapy: dryness and constriction of the vagina, known as vaginal atrophy, leads to a lack of sexual desire. In this case, estrogen can be used to help treat vaginal atrophy, but it does not have any effect that increases sexual desire, and there are different drug forms such as pills, creams, gels, plasters, and sprays, A doctor must be consulted to prescribe estrogen, and male testosterone can also be used, which can help improve women's sexual activity, but it is not registered as a treatment for sexual apathy in the Food and Drug Foundation, but sometimes doctors prescribe it to enhance sexual desire.

May 01, 2022

Breast cancer symptoms

Breast cancer

Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer may not be accompanied by the appearance of any symptoms or signs, and the appearance of some symptoms in some cases may be evidence of other diseases, so it is necessary to discuss with the doctor any changes that appear on the breast in its size and shape or noticing the presence of lumps in it or in an area Under the armpit, and it is worth noting the need to check the other breast in the same area, to make sure that the change is not part of the healthy breast tissue in that area, and it is worth noting that 90% of the visible lumps in the breast area are non-cancerous, but despite the fact that Therefore, be sure to see your doctor, and the following are some of the symptoms and signs that indicate breast cancer:

  • The appearance of physical changes on the nipple, such as the appearance of the nipple sunken inward or the appearance of sores in the nipple area.

  • Changes to the skin in the breast, which may appear shriveled, wrinkled, spotted, and scaly.

  • Swelling of the breast area, which may appear red and warm.

  • A change in the shape or size of the breast.

  • The sudden appearance of secretions from the nipple, and these secretions may be bloody and from only one breast or both, and it is worth noting that breast secretions may be normal in some cases and may appear during the last weeks of pregnancy and after childbirth and in some women who are not pregnant or Non-lactating women of childbearing age.

  • The appearance of hard, painless, uneven lumps on the breast, and in some cases these lumps may be round and tender.

  • The appearance of bruises on the breast, or its appearance in purple or pink, a feeling of burning in the breast area, a feeling of heaviness in the breast, and swollen lymph nodes in the area under the armpit or collarbone, and it is worth noting that these symptoms accompany one of the types of breast cancer, and it is called breast cancer inflammatory;

Symptoms of metastatic breast cancer

The symptoms of metastatic breast cancer vary according to the stages of its development and the part to which it has spread. The following is an explanation of this:

  • Breast area or breast wall: This may cause secretions to come out of the nipple, lumps, and pain, and it may also cause an increase in the thickness of the breast or underarm area.

  • Lungs: Symptoms associated with breast cancer spreading to the lungs appear in the form of difficulty breathing, coughing, extreme tiredness, and pain in the chest wall.

  • Liver: Symptoms associated with the spread of breast cancer to the liver include feeling very tired, nausea, swelling of the feet and hands due to fluid accumulation in them, increased abdominal circumference, itching, and yellowing of the skin.

  • Bones: the patient may feel pain, increased susceptibility to fractures, decreased concentration and attention due to high levels of calcium in the body, in addition to constipation.

  • Brain or spinal cord: Breast cancer spreading to the brain or spinal cord causes headaches, memory loss, pain, speech, and movement difficulties, blurred or weak vision, as well as seizures.

Symptoms that need to see a doctor

You should see your doctor if you notice any changes in the breast, even if the result of the last periodic mammogram is normal, and you should see the doctor if you feel persistent pain in both breasts or one of them, or swelling appears in the breast or under the armpit, knowing that the cause behind the occurrence of these changes or the feeling of pain may not be cancer, but you should see a doctor and examine the breast.